What was the inspiration behind mbg?

Jason: In 2009 I was running an organic cookie company and trying to raise capital when I discovered that a combination of an old basketball injury, stress, and over 100,000 miles of flying had left me with two extruded discs in my lower back pressing on my sciatic nerve. I was in excruciating pain, could barely walk, and almost had back surgery (being 6-foot-7 and scrunched into airline seats didn’t help).

Colleen: At that time, I was working in a leadership role at one of the largest corporations in the world. I had a huge passion for wellness and spent my nights and weekends checking out every yoga instructor and wellness event in New York City.

Jason: After being told by a doctor that I needed surgery, I sought a second opinion, and that doctor said that yoga might be a way to avoid surgery. So at Colleen’s urging, I started practicing yoga daily. From there, we got interested in a more holistic lifestyle.

Colleen: We ate organic and ditched toxic household products. We began to meditate and started a gratitude practice.

Jason: After just a few months, I completely healed my back (without surgery). It was a real awakening for the both of us. It was very clear that true wellness was a blend of mental, physical, spiritual, emotional, and environmental well-being.

What does wellness mean to you?

Colleen: For us, wellness isn’t about weight loss or looking good. It’s about feeling good and living a complete and fulfilling life.

Jason: And we believe that it’s a lifestyle that has the power to change the world—a lifestyle that shouldn’t preach to the choir of people who live on the west side of Los Angeles or Manhattan, a lifestyle that is much bigger than the “me” mentality that tends to exist in wellness. So, this lofty goal to redefine wellness as we know it started in the summer of 2009, with my co-founders Tim and Carver coding and me writing the first mbg blog post, which was published on September 8, 2009.

Colleen: I kept working at my corporate job and spent my spare time helping Jason grow mbg however he needed help. We developed some of our closest relationships with mbg experts during this time, such as Dr. Frank LipmanTara Stiles, and Kathryn Budig. mbg had no real site traffic, but Jason and I had a huge passion and curiosity for the wellness movement. It wasn’t until a pulmonary embolism left me in the hospital with massive blood clots in my lungs that I realized it was time to better align my passion and purpose, and I joined Jason at mbg full-time.

How has wellness evolved for you personally?

Jason: In early 2017 Colleen gave birth to our daughter, Ellie, and having a child has expanded the way we think about wellness even further.

Colleen: I think a lot about the world that Ellie’s generation is inheriting—a climate that is in crisis and a world in which true wellness is still something that largely only the elite can pursue. It’s clear that there’s still a lot of work to be done.

Jason: We absolutely have to take care of ourselves and our mental and physical health, but here at mbg we believe that we also have to think about our families, our communities, and the planet. We hope that you join us on this journey.

With gratitude,
Colleen & Jason